Public Member Functions
CW::Texture Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for CW::Texture:

Public Member Functions

 Texture ()
 Texture (SUTextureRef texture, bool attached=true)
 Texture (const std::string file_path, double s_scale=1.0, double t_scale=1.0)
 Texture (size_t width, size_t height, size_t bits_per_pixel, const SUByte pixel_data[])
 Texture (ImageRep &image)
 Texture (const Texture &other)
 ~Texture ()
Textureoperator= (const Texture &other)
SUTextureRef ref () const
 operator SUTextureRef () const
 operator SUTextureRef * ()
Texture copy () const
bool alpha_used () const
ImageRep image_rep () const
String file_name () const
void file_name (const String &string) const
size_t width () const
size_t height () const
double s_scale () const
double t_scale () const
SUResult save (const std::string &file_path) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CW::Entity
 Entity ()
 Constructor representing a null objject.
 Entity (SUEntityRef entity, bool attached=true)
 Creates a new Entity object. More...
 Entity (const Entity &other, SUEntityRef entity_ref=SU_INVALID)
 Copy constructor with an optional parameter for the entity reference. More...
 ~Entity ()
 Destructor. More...
Entityoperator= (const Entity &other)
 Copy assignment operator.
 operator SUEntityRef () const
 operator SUEntityRef * ()
SUEntityRef ref () const
bool attached () const
 Returns true if the entity is attached to another object.
void attached (bool attach)
 Method lets the object know that it has been attached to a model. This is important as it will let the object know that it does not need to "release" the object. More...
std::vector< AttributeDictionaryattribute_dictionaries () const
 Returns the AttributeDictionaries collection attached to the entity. More...
AttributeDictionary attribute_dictionary (const std::string &name) const
 Returns an attribute dictionary object with a given name that is attached to an Entity. More...
bool add_dictionary (AttributeDictionary &dict)
 Adds the AttributeDictionary to the Entity. More...
bool copy_attributes_from (const Entity &entity)
 Copies attributes from another Entity object to this one. More...
bool is_valid () const
 Checks if the entity is valid. More...
bool operator! () const
 Returns true if this entity is not valid. Alias of !is_valid().
int32_t entityID () const
 Retrieve a unique ID assigned to an entity. More...
TypedValue get_attribute (const std::string &dict_name, const std::string &key, const TypedValue &default_value=TypedValue()) const
 Retrieves the value of an attribute in the entity's attribute dictionary. More...
TypedValue get_attribute (const AttributeDictionary &dict, const std::string &key, const TypedValue &default_value=TypedValue()) const
 Retrieves the value of an attribute in the entity's attribute dictionary. More...
bool set_attribute (const std::string &dict_name, const std::string &key, const TypedValue &value)
 Sets the value of an attribute in the given AttributeDictionary object. More...
bool set_attribute (AttributeDictionary &dict, const std::string &key, const TypedValue &value)
 Sets the value of an attribute in the given AttributeDictionary object. More...
enum SURefType entity_type () const
 Returns the type of the entity. See enum SURefType.
Model model () const
Entities parent () const
int64_t persistent_id () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from CW::Entity
SUEntityRef m_entity
 The C SUEntityRef that this class wraps.
bool m_attached
 Indicates whether the Entity has been attached to a model.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 46 of file Texture.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CW::Texture::Texture ( )

Constructor for null Texture value

Definition at line 69 of file Texture.cpp.

CW::Texture::Texture ( SUTextureRef  texture,
bool  attached = true 

Construct Texture from existing texture object

Definition at line 74 of file Texture.cpp.

CW::Texture::Texture ( const std::string  file_path,
double  s_scale = 1.0,
double  t_scale = 1.0 

Creates a new texture object from an image file specified by a path.

file_path- The file path of the source image file. Assumed to be UTF-8 encoded
s_scale- The scale factor for s coordinate value.
t_scale- The scale factor for t coordinate value.

Definition at line 84 of file Texture.cpp.

CW::Texture::Texture ( size_t  width,
size_t  height,
size_t  bits_per_pixel,
const SUByte  pixel_data[] 

Creates a new texture object with the specified image data. This function is due to be depreciated - use Texture(ImageRep& image) instead from SU 2017, API 5.0 onwards.

width- the width in pixels of the texture data
height- the height in pixels of the texture data
bits_per_pixel- the number of bits per pixel of the image data
pixel_data[]- the source of the pixel data
CW::Texture::Texture ( ImageRep image)

Creates a new texture object from an image representation object.

Sketchup 2017, API 5.0

Definition at line 89 of file Texture.cpp.

CW::Texture::Texture ( const Texture other)

Copy constructor

Definition at line 79 of file Texture.cpp.

CW::Texture::~Texture ( )


Definition at line 94 of file Texture.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

bool CW::Texture::alpha_used ( ) const

Returns whether the alpha channel is used by the texture image.

Definition at line 139 of file Texture.cpp.

Texture CW::Texture::copy ( ) const

Returns a copy of the texture object - note that a Texture object can only be assigned to one Material object. So this method is useful for copying Textures to new Material objects.

SU 2017, API 5.0

Definition at line 116 of file Texture.cpp.

String CW::Texture::file_name ( ) const

Returns the file name of the texture

Definition at line 163 of file Texture.cpp.

void CW::Texture::file_name ( const String string) const

Sets theimage file name associated with the texture object. If the input texture was constructed using SUTextureCreateFromFile the name will already be set, so calling this function will override the texture's file name string.

Definition at line 172 of file Texture.cpp.

size_t CW::Texture::height ( ) const

Returns the height of the texture in pixels.

Definition at line 193 of file Texture.cpp.

ImageRep CW::Texture::image_rep ( ) const

Returns the ImageRep object of the texture.

SU 2017, API 5.0

Definition at line 150 of file Texture.cpp.

Texture & CW::Texture::operator= ( const Texture other)

Copy assignment operator

Definition at line 98 of file Texture.cpp.

double CW::Texture::s_scale ( ) const

Returns the s_scale of the texture. The s_scale and t_scale values are useful when a face doesn't have a material applied directly, but instead inherit from a parent group or component instance. Then you want use these values to multiply the result of SUMeshHelperGetFrontSTQCoords or SUUVHelperGetFrontUVQ. If the material is applied directly then this would not be needed.

Definition at line 207 of file Texture.cpp.

SUResult CW::Texture::save ( const std::string &  file_path) const

Writes a texture object as an image to disk.

SUResult object with the following possible values:
  • SU_ERROR_NONE on success
  • SU_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT if texture is not a valid object
  • SU_ERROR_SERIALIZATION if image file could not be written to disk

Definition at line 235 of file Texture.cpp.

double CW::Texture::t_scale ( ) const

Returns the t_scale of the texture. The s_scale and t_scale values are useful when a face doesn't have a material applied directly, but instead inherit from a parent group or component instance. Then you want use these values to multiply the result of SUMeshHelperGetFrontSTQCoords or SUUVHelperGetFrontUVQ. If the material is applied directly then this would not be needed.

Definition at line 221 of file Texture.cpp.

size_t CW::Texture::width ( ) const

Returns the width of the texture in pixels.

Definition at line 179 of file Texture.cpp.

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